Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Swimming Times

Hello Stroke Development and Advanced swimmers and parents,

The TALISS training on Tuesdays and Thursdays will return to the normal time of 6 to 7 p.m. but the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday TALISS training will still be at the earlier time- 4 to 5 p.m- at IST Masaki. However Saturday will be same time as usual. Note, TALISS will be closed during public holidays.

Hope to See you all there!

December Break Swimming Lessons

Our coachesJB and Alex will be running group lifesaving  and swimming lessons over the  December  break .Eachage group age 8 and over  will be spilt into ability levels and will be appropriate stroke development and other aquatic activities .
The cost will be15,000 per child per lesson, to reserve place or if you have any queries please approach
JB     0712 241 111      ALEX     0715 059 868

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Upcoming Events...

Please be aware of all the upcoming events....
1. There will be another assessment for the training groups this January, dates to be confirmed later.

2. There will be a meeting for all TALISS parents on Saturday January 14th from 9 to 11 a.m. to talk about the team and how we can improve it. 
 -- The treasurer Barbara Harris will give us an briefing on the finances for the past two years.
-- There will be descriptions of the different positions on the executive committee and of the different ways we can support the team, the coaches and the swimmers 
-- The goal is to see if more people want to become involved and help the team accomplish its goals

3. There will be the Southern Sun TALISS invitational swim gala on February 11th.

Just a reminder about the payments for TALISS; The payments are: 35,000 tsh entrance fee, Advanced swim 50,000 tsh for first swimmer and 45,000 for second swimmer. Stroke Development 40,000 tsh for first swimmer and 35,000 for second swimmer .

Neelam Tanna is back and she will be collecting payment at IST elementary school Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. 

Hope to see everybody getting involved! :)

Sunday, 11 December 2011


Congratulations to everybody who was involved in the Gala yesterday! It was a wonderful day and a huge thank you to all the parents who were time keepers, starters and who brought along food!

Well Done TALISS! :)

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

TALISS Internal Gala...

Hey everybody!

Don't forget to notify anybody on the TALISS committee on whether you will be attending the Gala on Saturday the 11th of December. Please be aware that you will only be able to choose a maximum of 2 races and they will be restricted by your position within TALISS (if you're a shark, dolphin or whale)

Hope to see you all there! 

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Swim Groups released today...

Hey all!

You should have received an email; explaining what swimming group you'll be in. Please make sure you get it and understand everything.

Well done everybody and keep up the good work!

Monday, 28 November 2011

TALISS Internal Gala...

Hello TALISS parents and swimmers! 

The TALISS Internal Gala will be held on Saturday, Dec. 10th from 8 to 10 a.m. for all TALISS swimmers in Stroke Development and in Advanced Swimming at the IST Elementary school campus pool. Please let us know if your swimmer will be able to participate. Alex and the other coaches have planned a really fun event with medals, so we hope that everyone swims! 

Note: After a lot of discussion, there has been a change in date of the Internal gala from Saturday, December 3rd back to the initial date of Saturday, December 10th. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you can make it. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Congratulations TALISS!!

Congratulations TALISS members for a great performance at the Open Gala at Isamilo International School inMwanza this weekend (5 and 6 November 2011)!  
We had an impressive medal count, certainly some personal firsts / bests, and younger kids giving adults a real challenge in open or combined events.  Keep up the good work.  
TALISS participants were:
- Luc 
- Louise 
- Assad   
- Rachel
- Vansh
- Amar
- Aryan S
- Aryan N
- Omar
- Mubanga
- Niki 
our senior swimmers: 
- Karl
- Saidi
- Gino
and our coaches:
and the parent supporters!

Thanks to TSA, Isamilo International School and a host of volunteers (many from other clubs) for a well organized, fun event.

GREAT JOB TALISS!  Your great swimming and good sportsmanship made us proud !

Thursday, 27 October 2011

TALISS life saving update...

TALISS (Lifesaving) will now resume at IST elementary (Upanga) from this Saturday (29.10.2011) from 8a.m to 10a.m. Please be there this Saturday as the Life savers will receive their certificates!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Check out the new pictures from the Swimming life saving Clinic that took place last week down below... :)

Friday, 21 October 2011

Change of venue...

On Saturday, October 22 2011 TALISS will take place at IST upper school (Masaki)

The training (Lifesaving) session will begin at 10:00a.m to 12:00p.m

Hope to see you all there! :)

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Information about the Isamilo Swim Gala in Mwanza...

Isamilo Invitational Swim Gala*** (we are waiting for confirmation on this gala from the organizers)
When? 5/6 November 2011 (a Saturday and Sunday). Swimmers would leave Friday Nov. 4th in the afternoon and return Sunday evening.

Where?  Mwanza at the Isamilo International School

Who Can Participate?  This is an invitational – any swimmer can participate, regardless of qualifying times. Swimmers in Stroke Development can participate as well.

Why?            This is great opportunity for our swimmers to compete outside of Dar es Salaam, and to build team spirit through healthy competition – the more swimmers who participate from Taliss, the better!

When is the deadline?          We need to know by October 14th who would like to participate in this gala in order make flight reservations, etc.

How is it Organized?         
-- The Isamilo Swim Club (??) is hosting the event
-- A ‘Special Forces’ group will help coordinate the participation of TALISS swimmers.  This includes arranging hotel and flight bookings, submission of paperwork, and supervision of TALISS swimmers.
-- Parents of kids who participate will be responsible for the costs.  We will do our best to reduce these costs, but they are likely to be in the range outlined below. You will be asked to pay in cash (TSh or dollars) and most costs are nonrefundable once bookings are made.
Flights (Fly540 or Precision):                                                   $320
Hotel (double, B&B, 2 nights)                                                       80
Team Spirit (?tshirt)                                                                        10
Ground Transport ?                                                                          30
Registration*                                                                                        10
Dinner and Lunches:                                                                        40
                Share of Coaches Cost*                                                                    50
                  TOTAL:                                                                                              $540
*parents and nonswimming siblings do not need pay registration or share of coaches cost.
If we have a lot of participants, we may be able to reduce transport costs, share of coaches’ costs, supervision responsibilities of accompanying parents, etc.

If you are interested (certain or maybe), please email to with the following details:  Swimmer’s name, number of nonswimmers who want to go, and any individual circumstances we should be aware of for initial bookings.

We’ll have more detailed communication later about events and logistics with those who express interest. 

If you know of an individual or business who might be willing to sponsor Tanzanian swimmers who can not afford these costs, please let us know that too.

Information about Mombasa National Age group Gala...

National Age group, open and relays swimming Championships
(Short Course)
When? 28,29 and 30 October 2011 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
                (Swimmers would leave Thurs. Oct 27 at 9:20 a.m .on Precision flight to Mombasa, return on Monday, Oct. 31st at 11:23 a.m. on Precision flight to Dar)

Where?  Oshwal Academy MOMBASA

Who Can Participate?  Swimmers have to qualify with the appropriate times to participate. The age groups are 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and Open.

When is the deadline? October 14, 2011

Why?            Gives swimmers an opportunity to compete internationally

How is it Organized?
-- The Kenya Swimming Federation is hosting the event
-- A ‘Special Forces’ group will help coordinate the participation of TALISS swimmers. 
-- Parents of kids who participate will be responsible for the costs.  The possible costs are outlined below. You will be asked to pay in cash (TSh or dollars) and most costs are nonrefundable once bookings are made.
Flights (Kenya Airways- Precision)                                          $380
Hotel (double, B&B, 4 nights)                                                       120
Team Spirit (?tshirt)                                                                      10
Ground Transport ?                                                                       50
Visa: (depending on nationality of swimmer)**
Registration                                                                                  20
                200 ksh per individual event = $2
                400 ksh per relay entry=             $4                             
Dinner and Lunches:                                                                      80
                  TOTAL:                                                                               $660

If you are interested (certain or maybe), please email to the following details:  Swimmer’s name and number of nonswimmers who want to go

We’ll have more detailed communication later about events and logistics with those who express interest. 

If you know of an individual or business who might be willing to sponsor Tanzanian swimmers who can not afford these costs, please let us know that too.

Information about the Uganda invitational Gala Regional Championships..

East Africa Regional Championships: Uganda invitational
When? 22 and 23 October 2011 (Saturday and Sunday) (travel Friday to Uganda, come back Monday)

Where?  Kampala International School, Uganda

Who Can Participate?   Swimmers have to qualify with the appropriate times to participate. The two fastest swimmer per event quality to represent Tanzania. There is one team going from Tanzania. The clubs that have expressed interest in having their swimmers participate are holding team specific time trials to identify the fastest swimmers per event in their clubs. Then the clubs will hold a time trial together where those fastest swimmers will compete against each other. There is no club representation. The age groups are 10 years old and younger in the 100 meter events, 12 years and younger for the 200 meter events, 13-14, 15-16, 17 and older.

Why?            Gives swimmers an opportunity to represent Tanzania internationally

When is the deadline? The swimmers for the Tanzanian team need to be selected and submitted by Wednesday, Oct. 5th

How is it Organized?
-- The Uganda Swimming Federation is hosting the event
-- A ‘Special Forces’ group will help coordinate the participation of TALISS swimmers.  This includes arranging hotel and flight bookings, submission of paperwork, and supervision of TALISS swimmers.
-- Parents of kids who participate will be responsible for the costs.  We will do our best to reduce these costs, but they are likely to be in the range outlined below. You will be asked to pay in cash (TSh or dollars) and most costs are nonrefundable once bookings are made.

Flights (Air Uganda):                                                                                     $400* (approximate)
Hotel (double, B&B, 3 nights)                                                                     $45 ($90 for two people)
Team Spirit (?tshirt)                                                                                     $10
Ground Transport  (depends on how many travel)                         $50
                Cost of taxi (fits 4 or 5) to hotel from airport=$35
                Daily cost of hiring a vehicle=$90 per day+ fuel
Visa (Tanzanian are exempt. All other nationalities pay)              $50
Registration                                                                                                   $20
                200 ksh per individual event = $2
                400 ksh per relay entry=             $4                             
Dinner and Lunches:     ($20 a day)                                                         $80
                  TOTAL:                                                                                                 $655
*parents and nonswimming siblings do not need pay registration.
If we have a lot of participants, we may be able to reduce transport costs, supervision responsibilities of accompanying parents, etc.

If you are interested (certain or maybe), please email to with the following details:  Swimmer’s name, number of nonswimmers who want to go, and any individual circumstances we should be aware of for initial bookings.

We’ll have more detailed communication later about events and logistics with those who express interest.  If you know of an individual or business who might be willing to sponsor Tanzanian swimmers who can not afford these costs, please let us know that too.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Uganda Time Trail results..

A Big Well Done to everybody who participated in the Uganda Time trials on Saturday the 1st of October... The Times will be coming out later this week the following people that have been highlighted in yellow have qualified for their age group:

Girls Boys
10 and younger:   Talin Stengel, Sonia Tumiotto Marcel Awori, and Richie
11-12: Nela, Angel and Agnes Shamrod, Eric
13-14: Danielle Awori Iyas Shivji, Patrick
15-16: Shreyashi Chowdhury Godfrey, Filipo
17 and older: Hillal Hillal, Adam David, Majembe

Congratulations to everybody who qualified.. Keep Training hard to all the others who didn't make it. :)

Friday, 30 September 2011

Uganda Time Trails...

Update on Time trials for Uganda 
The time trial to qualify for the Uganda Invitational East African Regional Championships will be held at IST Upanga this Saturday, October 1st from 8 to 10 a.m. Warm up will start at 7:30 a.m. All of the TALISS swimmers who qualified based on their times from the last time trial on Sept. 24th and who are willing to attend the meet in Uganda on the weekend of Oct 22nd and 23rd if they are one of the two fastest swimmers in their events will be swimming. They will be competing with other swimmers from other clubs in Tanzania for a place on the Tanzanian team that will travel to Uganda. 

All TALISS swimmers who are in life saving still have their written examination on Saturday, October 1st as previously scheduled and should go to IST Upanga covered court for the test.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Time Trails on Saturday the 1st of October

If you plan on swimming in the time trial this Saturday the 1st of October at HOPAC, please let Neha Patel know by Sept. 28th by 4 p.m. so that the organizers for the time trial can start making their preparations.

Neha's phone number is 07863259291.

For far only Shreyashi, Iyas, Danielle, Marcel and Eelyan have confirmed their participation in the time trails. 
We are still waiting for confirmation from Nishna, Rachel Patel, Hilal and Maya Kihara.

Keep up the hard work! :)

Monday, 26 September 2011

Isamilo Open Swimming Championships..

Isamilo Open Swimming Championships

to be held at Isamilo International School,
Mwanza (IISM), Tanzania

Saturday 5th (full day) and
Sunday 6th  (morning only) November 2011

We are very excited about this event, as it will be the
first time that an event of this nature will have been held in Mwanza.

The Mwanza community is working hard to ensure it will be a memorable weekend for all,
and we are really looking forward to welcoming swimmers to Mwanza.

Age Categories from Under 8 to Open Age

Saturday 5th Nov - Heats and Finals
Sunday 6th Nov (morning only)- Finals for events with 2 or more heats and Mixed Relay Events
(swimmers to create / finalise and enter relay teams on Saturday 5th Nov)

Full Programme to follow...

We will also have Evening Entertainment for school age swimmers on Saturday the 5th of November

In order to help you plan your trip, we have collated information on accommodation options here in Mwanza to suit a range of budgets. (Please find document attached). Swimmers are welcome to stay, free of charge in classrooms at Isamilo International School (matresses provided), or camp on the school field!

However, other swimmers may prefer a Hostel or Hotel, and the attached document gives some different options, all of which are within 15 mins walking distance from Isamilo International School. Over the coming weeks, we will also send further details of other hotels within the local area.

Regarding travel to Mwanza, we would recommend air travel, which is by far the easiest option. Due to increased competition on the Mwanza-Dar route, the price of tickets have deceased significantly, and when booking in advance, it is currently possible to get return tickets for 150,000/- (Precision) and 200,000/- (Fly 540) for Adults, under 12s are charged 25% less. We can assist with arranging transfers from Mwanza airport if needed.

More information will be posted closer to the date..


TALISS SWIM CLUB has also created a Facebook page to all who have Facebook. Search for 'TALISS!' and request permission to become a part of the group. This group is exclusive to only TALISS members and is protected so you need to request for permission to join. 
Hope you all can become a part of the group to improve communication within TALISS. 

Time Trail Results..

Hi everybody!

The Time Trails on the 25th of September have been released... All the green highlighted times are qualifying time for the Mombasa invitational and all the blue highlighted names (top two of one of the event) are swimmers who are eligible to take part in the general time trial which is taking part at HOPAC on the 1st of October 2011 for the selection of Tanzanian team which will participate in the Uganda champs. 
People who where did not attend the swim trails need to clarify with Alex to see wither you will be allowed to go to the HOPAC Time trails. 
Congratulations to everybody who is able to participate and all those who didn't make it.. keep up the hard work! :)

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Time Trials!

There will be Time Trials on Saturday September 25 2011 at the IST Elementary School (Upanga) from 8:00a.m to 1:00p.m

Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Meeting for TALISS parents...

Don't forget there will be a TALISS Meeting for ALL parents on Saturday the 17th of September from 8:00 am until 10:00 am.

Hope to see you all there!

Monday, 5 September 2011

Monthly subscriptions!

Just a Reminder that ALL Taliss members should be paying their monthly subscriptions!

Thanks.. And see you all at the pool!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Koica Swim Gala!

Congratulations everybody who participated in the KOICA Swim Gala today!

Well Done everybody! You all deserve a good nights sleep! :)

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Hey TALISS members! Are you ready for some more swimming?!

There will be a Swim Gala on Saturday the 27th of August 2011 at HOPAC

Prizes will be given out for Winners! Including Stationary, Crayons, Cameras, Toasters, Flash Lights, Microwaves and LOADS more!! 

We encourage everybody to participate. It'll be a fun day! Entries will be accepted up til Friday morning!

There have been some phone calls asking weither the gala had been cancelled... We would like to confirm that the KOICA gala has NOT been cancelled!

Hope to see you all there!

NO Swimming!

Hey TALISS members!

Unfortunately there will be NO swimming on Friday August 26th 2011

Hopefully see you all on Saturday at 8:00 am ...(as part of a new Lifesaving class every Saturday morning from 8-9. Please look below in an older post for more information). 

New Training Program!

Hey TALISS members!

We would like to introduce the new training groups, which are planned to start on the first Monday of September.  
 This training system will allow all swimmers to train everyday.
 If the existing swimmers of the club fail to meet the qualification time of either of the three training groups, they will be advised to join Lifesaving. 
The assessment will be taken after every four months and the qualification time might change from time to time according to the performance of the swimmers.  
We will be assessing the swimmers during our training sessions from now on until 3rd September 2011. 

50m free  style- 01:05:00 
50m Breast stroke - 01:10:00 
50m Back stroke - 01: 10:00 50m 
Butterfly- 01:10:00 
100 Flutter kick - 02:30:00 

100m free style - 02:15:00 
100m Breast stroke - 02:30:00 
100m back stroke - 02:30:00 
50m Butterfly - 00:50:00 
100m flutter kick - 02:15:00

100m free style - 01:50:00 
100m Breast stroke - 02:15:00 
100m back stroke - 02:15:00 
50m Butterfly - 00:40:00 
100m flutter kick - 02:00:00 

So try your very best and swim your heart out! See you all at the pool...